Node.js for Backend Development

Asad Faraz
3 min readApr 21, 2021


Learning the “N” in MERN Stack

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all are doing great.

So, the holy month of Ramadan starts, and our classes shift from working days to non-working days. By non-working day I mean we have MERN stack classes now on Saturdays and Sundays. There is not much for this week but something that I wanted to highlight first is that I did many react projects and you can see them on my GitHub. Now, I am moving towards Nodejs which is used for backend development. Second that Sir Saad Hamid is back again. So, Let's jump into our weekly review!


Sir Saad Hamid is here with us after a long time. Guests took his class timings for lectures and he was also not in the country and now he is with us again. Today he discusses some routine questions that everyone encounters in their career once a time. He told us some really great things which we should adopt to move forward in our routine lives as well as in our careers.

Sir Saad Hamid is a wonderful personality, and we are learning so many things from him and his experience. His method of discussion and teaching is friendly and very clear. So, basically, this one is a short class and after some good discussion, we ended the class.


As we are learning MERN stack development we have gone through the “R” and now in the “N”. What I mean is that we finished Reactjs which is a very popular library of JavaScript and we can do amazing frontend website development using Reactjs. And now we are starting Nodejs which is a framework of JavaScript for backend development. We can develop an entire backend using the single language JavaScript because Nodejs is JavaScript.

So, we start Nodejs and in today’s class, the instructor introduces what is Nodejs and how it works. We went through a brief introduction of Nodejs and the usage of Nodejs. After the introduction of Nodejs, we ended the class.


Today is Sunday and we have a class, isn’t it surprising, hahaha I am just joking. We are learning the “N” meaning the Nodejs of MERN stack development. In today’s class, we learned the difference between synchronized and asynchronized programming in JavaScript. If you wonder that JavaScript is a single-threaded language then where the sky is this asynchronous programming come in JavaScript, then don’t be surprised there are several ways to do asynchronous programming in JavaScript. For asynchronous programming JavaScript either uses Browser or C++ API's. You can search the web for more details.

So, we learn synchronous and asynchronous programming in JavaScript, and we will start NodeJS from the next lecture. I am really excited to learn MERN stack development.

And yeah, in the last if you want tech updates, please go to my blog The Paper House. Thank you for reading this. Stay safe and ALLAH Hafiz. See you in the next one.

